Forum Ethibel informs

Forum Ethibel informs

Since 2001, Forum Ethibel has contributed annually to the Flemish Environmental Report (MIRA), coordinated by the Flemish Environment Agency. This report, for which we wrote the 'sustainable savings and investment' section, ensures the scientific foundation for environmental policy planning.

Since 2021, the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development (FIDO) took over the role of the Flemish Environment Agency in the collaboration with Forum Ethibel. The MIRA study was renamed the ERSIS study: Ethibel Research on Sustainable Investment and Savings.

The ERSIS study consists of two parts. In the first part, Sustainable saving and investing in Belgium, you will find statistics and concrete figures. The second part, - Understanding sustainable investments - , is descriptive and delves deeper into trends and developments within SRI, emerging issues and interviews with key figures in the market.

The purpose of this study is to keep track of developments in sustainable investing. In this way, Forum Ethibel wants to respond to the lack of information and understanding, which often prevents the step towards sustainable investing. We also want to create more transparency in the financial market.

In 2022 we launched the Ethibel Viewpoint. This new study is published twice a year, in January and May. We examine a particular financial practice and see how it can be made more sustainable. These ten-page articles aim to provide a thoughtful examination of the subject, allowing the annual ERSIS study to focus on broader market trends.

Would you like to know more about the research that Forum Ethibel has conducted over the years? Or do you have a theme for an Ethibel Viewpoint? Click here or contact Juliette.

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