Forum Ethibel verifies
Forum Ethibel verifies the sustainability label Towards Sustainability together with ICHEC and the University of Antwerp.
In addition to this assignment for the Belgian banking sector, we also carry out verification assignments for specific financial players. Funds for Good (FFG) has been working with Forum Ethibel since 2011 for the annual certification of its philanthropic support. FFG introduces investment strategies for institutional investors, while at the same time offering them the double benefit of impact investing: financial returns with a significant positive impact. With the certificate, FFG wants to demonstrate that the allocated resources are used responsibly.
Forum Ethibel also verifies the SRI investment portfolios of insurance products for Ethias and ASR Nederland. In addition, FE also verifies the SpaarPlus savings account of vdk bank and the investment products of Mercier Vanderlinden, Van Lanschot Bevek and ShelteR Invest – vdk Sustainable Flex Fund.

Greentripper is a Belgian pioneering company that advises companies and supports institutions around the world to implement ambitious sustainability strategies and develop climate projects. Greentripper offers carbon offset services to their customers who want to offset their carbon emissions from unavoidable travel. They do this through their existing partner projects in many different countries.