Solid'R audits 2022

In late 2022, we conducted the social audits for the Solid'R label. We do this on behalf of Ressources, the federation of enterprises within the social economy, which owns the label. Their objective is to use the label to distinguish organisations that voluntarily respect ethical and solidarity principles from their commercial competitors. The criteria of the Solid'R label are based on social economy principles as defined by the EU. During these audits, we take into account the combination of quantitative data from these organisations and qualitative information obtained through dialogue.

Every three years, we perform onsite audits to get to know the organisations better and question them in depth. In 2022 we traveled to Italy, Spain and France to conduct the onsite audits for the international organisations. It was a big assignment, but we look back on it with great satisfaction! We learnt a lot about the national differences between organisations, saw interesting practices related to the social economy and had interesting conversations with individuals who are passionate about their work.

Find the certificates via this link.

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